Teoria gaia de james lovelock pdf

James lovelock will go down in history as the scientist who changed our view of the earth from a barren rock covered with a thin coating of life. As such, he could pursue studies where ever they led him. Lynn margulis, department of biology, boston university, 2. Aug 31, 20 br 54 3622 0290 a teoria gaia, tambem denominada como teoria biogeoquimica, e uma teoria cientificamente comprovada, e em ecologi. A teoria gaia foi desenvolvida pelo cientista ingles james. James lovelock worked as an independent scientist, not answering to a corporate or academic boss. Lovelock states that the initial formulation was based on observation, but still lacked a scientific explanation.

James lovelock originator of gaia theory and inventor of. He is best known for proposing the gaia hypothesis, which he discusses in this. Teoria gaia metafora del camello camellos regulan su temperatura corporal a dos niveles distintos pero estables. En una entrada anterior presentamos a james lovelock. James lovelock ja havia escrito, antes dessa data, tres livros sobre sua. In the revenge of gaia, bestselling author james lovelock father of climate studies and originator of the influential gaia theory which views the entire earth as. May 21, 2014 james ephraim lovelock, is an independent scientist, environmentalist and futurist who lives in dorset, england. Contou com os estudos da biologa norteamericana lynn margulis. James lovelock called his first proposal the gaia hypothesis but has also used the term gaia theory.

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